Jun 3, 2021

#TindigJuana: A campaign to advocate for safer cyberspace for women and girls

Kamala.yan presents TINDIG JUANA, a campaign to advocate for safer cyberspace for women and girls.

Promoting safe spaces for all, even in online, is paramount to bringing an end to increasing incidents of online violence against women, especially in today’s shift to a more virtual setting brought by the pandemic.

Thus, it is our mission to educate and be proactive to this ongoing violence and take the necessary steps to make a safer and harassment-free virtual space, especially for women.

In Kamala.yan, we aim to empower women and bring awareness to the ongoing online violence. We encourage everyone to put up a united front, and prevent all forms of violence against women and girls on every online platform.



We believe it’s time for women to detach themselves from fear and anxiety, and rise above the harrasment that has been commonplace online.